More than 400 supplications (dua), all authenticated by the hadith specialist, shaykh Muhammed Nâsir ad-din al-Albani (may allah have mercy upon him). Hisnii (My Fortress) in English is "Fortress of the Muslim" (Hisnul Muslim) but more complete and with the additional benefit of a completely revised authentication. Indeed, in Islam, checking sources is paramount.
Hisnii is an islamic app that relies on the most famous books of invocations in order to offer the community a complete work that meets its needs in terms of supplications and reminders, and this on a daily basis.
In order to achieve this, the work for "Hisnii" has mainly focused on the following books:
- The Quran for the supplications taken from Allah's Book
- Sahîh al-'Adhkar by Muhammad Ibn Hasan ash-Shaykh
This book of invocations that is little known among the Anglophones is a standard in Islam. It distinguishes itself from the very famous book called Hisnul Muslim (The Fortress of the Muslim) by two major characteristics, namely that it uses only authentic hadiths based on the work of authentication of the great contemporary hadith specialist (muhaddith) Shaykh Muhammad Nâsir ad-Dîn al-Albani (may Allah have mercy upon him) and that the order of its chapters is remarkable in its ease of use and quite intuitive due to the chronological order of the supplications of the Muslim's day (invocations before going to sleep, while waking up at night, when getting up in the morning, when performing ablution, when leaving the house, ...).
- Hisnul Muslim by Sa'id al-Qahtani (Fortress of the Muslim), which is well-known among the Anglophones.
- Tuhfat al-Akhiyâr min Sahîh al-Ad'iyati wa-l-Adhkâr with the annotations of the scholars al-Albani, Ibn Baz and Ibn Uthaymeen.
And many others ...
• More than 440 supplications
• 56 Rabbana (dua) from the Holy Quran
• Invocations organized in 24 categories (supplications for sleep, morning supplications, evening supplications, for fasting, for the pilgrimage, for marriage, for the prayer, ...)
• Reminder of the day (Get daily, short beneficial reminders (hadith, verse...)
• Sharing supplications and reminders of the days in images.
• New quality audio for each dua; specially designed for non-Arabic speakers.
• Repetition mode for learning the supplications.
• Beautiful invocations from the Holy Quran recited by Sa'd El Ghâmidî.
• Priceless treasures. (All the virtues of invocations grouped in the same spot).
• Themes.
• Reminders.
• Search engine.
• Phonetic transliteration
• Favorites option.
• Night mode.
• Font size settings.
• Available in English, French and Arabic.
Hoping, through this humble contribution, to add our building block to the sublime structure that is Islam and to participate in spreading it, we ask Allah to make this work beneficial for the Muslims and that our deeds be sincere for Him, because therein lies true success.
400多名恳求(DUA),全部由圣训专家认证,谢赫·穆罕默德·纳西尔广告 - Din的AL-阿尔巴尼(愿主怜悯他)。 Hisnii(我的山寨)在英语中是“穆斯林的堡垒”(Hisnul穆斯林),但更加完整,具有完全修改的身份验证的额外好处。事实上,在伊斯兰教中,检查源是至关重要的。
- 古兰经来自真主的书采取的恳求
- 圣训AL-'Adhkar由穆罕默德·本·哈桑灰谢赫
调用的这本书是一点讲英语中称为是伊斯兰教的标准。它由两大特点被称为Hisnul穆斯林(穆斯林的堡垒)名著中脱颖而出,即它使用基于伟大的当代圣训专家的认证工作唯一正宗的圣训(muhaddith)谢赫·穆罕默德·纳西尔·AD- DIN人 - 阿尔巴尼(愿主在他怜悯),而且其章节的顺序是它的易用性显着,很直观,由于穆斯林的一天恳求的时间顺序(睡觉,而醒来之前调用在晚上,早上起床的时候,表演的时候沐浴,离开家的时候,...)。
- Hisnul穆斯林由赛义德卡塔尼(穆斯林的堡垒),在讲英语中是众所周知的。
- Tuhfat AL-Akhiyâr分钟圣训AL-WA Ad'iyati-L-Adhkâr与学者的人 - 阿尔巴尼,伊本·巴兹和伊本·欧赛悯的注释。
•从古兰经56 Rabbana(DUA)
•无价之宝。 (调用的所有美德在同一地点分组)。
• 搜索引擎。
• 夜间模式。